Facilities and Transportation

  • Section of Diane Wright Way Closed To Vehicles

    The section of Diane Wright Way that runs behind the Hugh S. Greer Field House will be permanently closed to vehicular traffic starting in early August.

    The closing is to enhance safety and help to make the area friendlier to walkers in the foot-traffic-heavy center of campus.

    The affected section of Diane Wright will be open to pedestrians and all active transportation modes, including bicycles, skateboards, motorized skateboards, and motor scooters. The road will be blocked by bollards.

    The section of Diane Wright Way that runs from Jim Calhoun Way to Parking Lot G and the Temporary Administration Building will remain open. Those who park in Lot G will enter and exit the lot via Diane Wright Way to Jim Calhoun Way.


    For more information, contact: Facilities Operations at facilities_operations@uconn.edu