The Africana Studies Institute is proudly hosting the Africana Studies Summer Institute to Advance Equity on August 4 -9, 2024.
Scholars in many disciplines are grappling with how to advance equity through research on women and girls of color. They often strive to learn from those working outside of academia, to benefit from the insights of groups and organizations, and to give back to communities rather than extract from them. Unfortunately, relevant methods and research strategies are not yet widely taught at institutions of higher learning or sufficiently valued in the academy.
Writing a book or applying for a grant is also becoming an increasingly common expectation and, in some cases, a requirement for tenure and promotion at most universities and colleges. Publishing is a time consuming and not always intuitive process. The skills needed to complete a book manuscript, grant proposal, or fellowship application with a good chance of success are usually taught informally and by a mentor. Considerable research shows that improving equitable access to norms, soft skills, and informal knowledge via professional development programs and mentoring relationships are effective ways of improving parity in career trajectories.
To address this need, the Africana Studies Institute at UConn has launched the 2024 Africana Studies Summer Institute to Advance Equity through Research on Women and Girls of Color. It is intended for faculty at any stage of their careers who wish to advance equity through research on women and girls of color.
Participants will have designated writing time to work on their research projects, to meet individually and collectively in break-out sessions, as well as interact with guest speakers. Participants will also be taught techniques for making the writing experience more productive and less stressful with guided support from an external expert.
During the Summer Institute, Africana Studies Institute fellows will:
- Explore interdisciplinary methods for research and writing;
- Relate the significance of their research to a broader audience;
- Network with scholars across disciplines; and
- Develop a workplan for grants and dissemination of research.
To learn more about the Summer Insitute please click here.
For more information, contact: Africana Studies Institute at