As the summer construction period begins to come to a close the South Campus Infrastructure (SCI) Project will be final paving several roadways. The paving will require short term vehicular circulation. Below is the expected schedule.
Monday 8/5
- Maple Lane/Coventry Road: CLOSED (AM)
- Mansfield Road: CLOSED
- Gilbert Road: CLOSED
- Whitney Road Ext: OPEN (2 Way Traffic)
Tuesday 8/6
- Lot R: OPEN
- Maple Lane/Coventry Road: OPEN
- Mansfield Road: OPEN
- Gilbert Road: CLOSED
- Whitney Road Ext: CLOSED
Wednesday 8/7
- Lot R: OPEN
- Maple Lane/Coventry Road: OPEN
- Mansfield Road: CLOSED
- Gilbert Road: CLOSED
- Whitney Road Ext: OPEN
Thursday 8/7
- Lot R: OPEN
- Maple Lane/Coventry Road: OPEN
- Mansfield Road: CLOSED
- Gilbert Road: CLOSED
- Whitney Road Ext: OPEN
After 8/8
- Lot R: OPEN
- Maple Lane/Coventry Road: OPEN
- Mansfield Road: OPEN
- Gilbert Road: CLOSED
- Whitney Road Ext: OPEN
Line striping will happen in week to follow. Short term impacts from line striping will include alternating traffic. All work is weather permitting, if weather does not allow work to take place the schedule will shift a day.
For more information, contact: Ian Dann at