Training and Professional Development

  • Personal and Professional Development

    Exciting News To Share!
    The Office for Leadership and Organizational Development, within Student Activities is proud to share with you our personal and professional development offerings for the upcoming academic year. 
    In the academic year 2023-2024, we conducted over 50 sessions tailored to students, faculty, staff and/or external partners. If you're seeking staff development, team building, or opportunities for your student leaders, connect with our office. 
    Below, you will find our flyer with more information. Our office has trained and experienced staff facilitators who conduct training sessions and various types of leadership assessments. Additionally, we offer customized workshops for groups as well. 
    Looking forward to future collaboration! If you have any questions, do no hesitate to connect with our office at

    Trisha Hawthorne – Noble, LMSW  (She| Her| Hers)

    Director of Leadership and Organizational Development and,

    Associate Director for Student Activities

    Director, Leadership House Learning Community

    UConn, Department of Student Activities


    I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. -- Maya Angelou

    For more information, contact: Trisha Hawthorne-Noble at