Research, Funding, and Awards

  • Last Call: Rising 6-9 Graders for Reading Study

    A dissertation study on reading and vocabulary is underway through the Neag School of Education (UConn IRB approval # H24-0086). We are seeking students who will be in Grades 6 – 9 in the 2024-25 school year to complete two brief online meetings. Sessions are available through July 14.

    What Is Involved?

    • Students will attend two virtual meetings led by the researcher
      • Each meeting lasts approximately 30 minutes
      • The meetings are about a week apart
      • In the meetings, students will read short nonfiction passages and take short comprehension and vocabulary tests
        • Results of the tests will be shared with you
        • Participants will receive a $10 gift card for completing both sessions

    Who Can Participate?

    • Students who are:
      • rising to Grade 6 – 9 in the next academic year
      • native English speakers (including bilingual speakers)
    • A parent must speak English to provide permission for their child to participate


    Groups of eligible family members, friends, etc. are welcome to attend the meetings at the same time.

    For more information, contact: Alia Pugh at