Research, Funding, and Awards

  • Monolingual English Speakers Needed

    For this study, participants will listen to sounds and make decisions about them. As part of the study, we will record brainwaves from sensors placed on your head while you hear different sounds. We will also measure brain structure using MRI. MRI allows us to take detailed pictures of your brain and does not involve radiation.

    There are 3 sessions (up to 3 hrs. each), and scheduling is flexible. Participants will be paid ($10/hr) at the end of the 3 sessions and will receive a hearing test and picture of their brain.

    To be eligible, you must be over 18 and have no history of a hearing or neurological disorder. You must only speak English with no or limited exposure to a second language.

    If interested:

    • Follow this link to see if you meet the study eligibility criteria.
    • Or contact us by emailing or calling/texting (860) 470-6214

    This study was approved by the IRB, Protocol # H20_0090

    For more information, contact: at 860-470-6214