Student Activities

  • Mentoring Programs: Stand Up and Be Counted

    Dear Mentoring Practitioners and Program Organizers,

    Our campuses boast a wealth of fantastic mentoring resources for students. To create a more comprehensive picture of available mentorship opportunities, we'd like to hear from you. Below is a brief survey to gather information on how your program connects students with mentors.

    Your insights will be invaluable in:

    • Identifying synergies between programs for improved student support
    • Exploring possible ways to leverage technology platforms for wider outreach and collaboration

    By sharing best practices, we can create a more robust and connected campus mentoring ecosystem. Thank you for your time! Completing this survey takes just a few minutes.


    Kind Regards,


    Julie Gehring

    Director of Mentoring and Student Development

    Werth Institute

    For more information, contact: Julie Gehring, Werth Institute at