Training and Professional Development

  • 6/19 Enhancing Student Engagement With the Readings

    Enhancing student engagement with the readings
    Wednesday, June 19, 10:00AM – 11:00AM
    Facilitator: Tina Huey, CETL Faculty Development  

    Can students meet your course objectives without reading the texts? If so, what is the value of assigning reading in your course? What learning objectives does reading help students meet? These foundational questions will frame our discussion. Techniques and tools will be introduced for:  

    • “Guided reading” facilitation  
    • Creating a reading guide  
    • Annotation tools (Perusall, Voicethread)  
    • Games, remixes, and other activities for engaging with a text  
    • Modeling engagement  

    Ideas will be shared for curating a reading list, including: alphabetic texts vs. audio and video; amount of reading assigned; and organizing access to course readings.  

    Register -


    For more information, contact: Stacey Valliere at