Special Events and Receptions

  • 5/20 Celebrate Clinical Trials Day

    Stop by and visit with UConn Health Clinical Research Professionals from 10-1 in the Cafeteria!

    "Organized and promoted by ACRP since 2014, Clinical Trials Day arrives each May 20 as a joyful opportunity to pause in reflection, recognition, and admiration of all that has been accomplished thanks to clinical trials and the people behind them.

    In the world of clinical research, the path forward is forged through the relentless pursuit of knowledge, an exacting application of best practices, and an unwavering commitment to championing patient well-being. This is the work of clinical research professionals."

    They Are the Trailblazers Among Us.


    For more information, contact: Clinical Research Center, Megyn Clement at 860-679-1751