Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • 5/20 Serimmune CTO to Discuss Their Technology

    On May 20th at 11am Dr. John Shon, the CTO of Serimmune, will be visiting our department to discuss their novel multiplex platform for immune response profiling and pathogen serosurveillance: Serum Antibody Repertoire Analysis (SERA).


    SERA identifies the antigen targets of an individual’s antibody repertoire. Serimmune has applied this technology to more than 30,000 unique samples, including subjects with infectious diseases, autoimmune diseases, and cancer. Using SERA with this large database, researchers can discover and detect antigens associated with disease states.


    For the past 5-years Dr. Wunder (PVS) has been collaborating with Serimmune on SARS-CoV-2 immunity, leptospirosis diagnostics, and more recently on his NIH R01 to develop a universal vaccine against leptospirosis.


    Dr. Shon will review applications of SERA in infectious disease including the use of the multiplex assay for serosurveillance, changes in the immune response for individual pathogens at the epitope level, and development of diagnostic panels.


    After the presentation we will host a lunch to continue the discussion of this technology and potential collaborations.


    Date:   Monday, May 20th

    Presentation: 11 am at Engineering & Science Building, ESB 121

    Lunch: 12:30 am at Atwater Library, A110



    For more information, contact: Elsio Wunder at 860-486-8743