Technology and Computing

  • REDCap Survey Security and Protection

    Please check out May's REDCap Newsletter on BOTS & FRAUD: Survey Security and Protection.

    Web-based survey data collection has become increasingly popular, and REDCap is a valuable tool to do just that. However, as with any data collection undertaking, you need to take measures to ensure the integrity of the data and its source - and be proactive in limiting risk and exposure. Surveys can be targeted by malicious actors or, at minimum, disingenuous respondents. You may also find your survey infiltrated by bots, automated software programs that enter fraudulent responses. This is especially common if you are offering participation incentives and/or using a public-facing survey; however, it can happen in all surveys and for a variety of reasons. Therefore, preventing fraudulent survey responses is critical to maintaining the credibility of your data.

    In addition to CAPTCHA, there are many other ways to ensure REDCap survey security and integrity. Here are some guides to do just that: Detect and Prevent BOTS and Fraudulent Survey Responses and Safeguard Your Surveys

    For more tips, tricks, and know-how, make sure to check out and bookmark the UCH REDCap website.

    For more information, contact: REDCap Administrator at