Training and Professional Development

  • 4/19 Critical Teaching Behaviors: Creating a Narrative

    Critical Teaching Behaviors: Creating a Narrative

    What does “good teaching” mean, and what does it look like? Perhaps you have grappled with this question, either to grow your teaching effectiveness or to assess the teaching of others. This book club is for you! 

    Creating a Narrative of Teaching Effectiveness

    Teaching narratives encourage faculty to adapt and innovate in response to changes in education, technology, and student needs. It highlights a commitment to staying current with best practices and seeking new ways to engage and challenge students.

    In this session, we will explore the following questions:

    • Why do we document teaching effectiveness? 
    • How do we document teaching effectiveness? 
    • How can the CTB framework help you document teaching effectiveness?  

    Learn how to incorporate the CTB framework as the foundation for a common language to showcase, discuss, and evaluate good teaching.

    Date: Friday, April 19, 2024

    Time: 12 – 1:15pm

    Location: HBL 1102

    Register -

    For more information, contact: Stacey Valliere at