Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • 3/7 Life Story Innovations Virtual Conference

    Keeping our Legacy Alive: Honoring the Past and Embracing the Futur


    UConn School of Nursing

    MARCH 7th AND 8th 2024

    Conference Website

    Sharing stories with others can be a powerful way to strengthen relationships across generations, make connections, and keep our legacies alive. Stories can be shared informally or in more formal ways through narrative interviews, structured reminiscence, and life review, and using technological advances such as digital storytelling. The program will include interactive workshops, poster and paper presentations, and opportunities for networking at our awards reception on March 7th. Keynote speaker Dr. Elizabeth Keating a Professor of Anthropology at the University of Texas at Austin, will focus on using an anthropological approach to eliciting stories, and discuss questions families can use to uncover stories and bridge generations.  Please join us on March 7th and 8th as we honor our past, discuss ways to preserve our legacies, and consider what the future holds for storytelling in the digital age.

                                    UConn faculty and staff can attend for free but please register using 24Husky as the code.

    For more information, contact: Juliette Shellman at