Additional UConn Information

  • Want to Pilot a Common Curriculum Theme?

    The Common Curriculum Committee+ (CCC+) is seeking faculty who have an interest in developing a Theme for the new curriculum that will go live in Fall 2025. We are still finalizing the details of our guidelines and would like to test their feasibility via pilot Themes.

    To this end, we're now accepting "letters of intent" from faculty wishing to pilot a Common Curriculum Theme. If you'd like to apply to pilot a Theme, please first read the Guidelines for Proposing a Theme carefully and then email with the following information:

    • Proposed title for your Theme
    • Potential courses (numbers and titles) that you're considering for your Theme
    • A brief description of where you are in the development process. For example, are you just starting to think about a Theme? Have you already spoken to other faculty whose course(s) you want to use? Has your department head or curriculum manager already given you the go-ahead to develop this Theme? Etc.
    • Are you from a Regional campus where you expect this Theme to be available?

    Please submit your email of intent by February 16, 2024. You do not need departmental permission/approval to send an email at this point. 

    For more information, contact: Karen McDermott at