Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • 1/26 ECE Seminar: Vehicle-to-Vehicle Networking

    Please join us for the following talk on Friday, January 26 at 11:00am in ITE 336.


    Title: Vehicle-to-Vehicle Networking from a Physical Layer Perspective

    Dr. Lin Cheng, Karl W. Hallden Professor and Chair, Department of Engineering, Trinity College, Hartford, CT


    Future vehicles are likely to rely on the Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) Ad Hoc Network concept to increase safety and comfort on road. Wireless communication acts as a new "sensor" which allows the drivers to look further away in space and further ahead in time. The growth in potential applications imposes a pressing need for physical layer studies to preserve reliable operation in dynamic on-road environments. This seminar will discuss  V2V communications under general on-road driving conditions across different  environments. Aiming at investigating how readily the scaled versions of the IEEE 802.11a waveform can be applied to vehicular networks, the behavior of the V2V channel will be investigated from multiple dimensions. I will also discuss related programs from this research on robotics, smart cities, and computer engineering in general at Trinity College.

    Speaker Biography:

    Dr. Cheng is Karl W. Hallden Professor at Trinity College, Hartford, CT, and currently chairs the Department of Engineering. His recent research includes topics on Vehicular Networks using Radio and Optical Communications, Smart Cities, Localization and Propagation modeling for challenging environments. He was a visiting professor with the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. His industrial experience includes periods with Intel, Siemens Corporate Research and General Motors Global Research.

    Prof. Cheng's research and publications are widely referenced by researchers from academia and industry worldwide and were instrumental in forming the International Standard for Vehicular Networks. His work has been featured in Global media such as the Discovery Channel.

    Prof. Cheng is an alumnus of Carnegie Mellon University (Ph.D. and M.S. in ECE) and Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Prof. Cheng earned the Charles A. Dana Research Professorship, as well as the Karl W. Hallden Endowed Chair at Trinity College and was elected to the Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering.

    For more information, contact: Brandy Ciraldo at