Technology and Computing

  • Changes to NetIDs and Email Addresses

    Several changes went into effect this week that affect newly created NetIDs and email addresses.
    Note: These changes do not apply to existing NetIDs or email addresses.

    • NetID format: NetIDs begin with three letters, which have been loosely based on an individual’s legal name. To break the association with legal name, ITS has started randomizing these three letters.

    • Email format: Instead of, addresses will follow the format of ITS is implementing this change to disassociate from legal names and ensure that our community has unique identifiers that can persist.

    • Email aliasing: The process for creating an email alias (i.e., an alternate email address) has changed.  ITS has discontinued the self-service utility on Increasingly, modern IT systems use email addresses as the username, and a consistent email address prevents account issues (e.g., multiple accounts, deleted profiles). To request an email alias, contact the Technology Support Center at

      Tip: Even with the new email format, you will still see recipients' display names. You will also be able to search for email addresses by name. You can update your display name at any time with the Chosen Name tool on
    For more information, contact: Technology Support Center at