Appointments, Retirements, and Searches

  • Craig Tobias Hired As NERR Director

    UConn Marine Sciences Professor Craig Tobias has been named the new Director of the Connecticut National Esturarine Research Reserve (NERR). He will operate at UConn’s Avery Point Campus, which is located within the 52,160-acre reserve.

    The NERR is a region of Long Island Sound along the state coastline which extends throughout the southeastern region of Connecticut. In January 2022, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) designated the area as federally protected, including the lower section of the Connecticut and Thames rivers and several islands and state parks.

    UConn’s Marine Sciences program and Connecticut Sea Grant joined with several public and private partners to establish the NERR. As an estuary, the region is home to unique wildlife and a thriving ecosystem within the brackish water. The reserve offers a living laboratory for marine science students, as well as protected recreational areas along the Sound and estuarine region.

    As director, Tobias will oversee the administration and leadership of the NERR. Professor George McManus served as interim reserve manager prior to a selection committee hiring Tobias.

    As an expert in coastal ecosystems and biogeochemistry, Tobias is well qualified to serve as the NERR’s director. He has taught at UConn for the past 15 years, including the last seven as a full professor. His research portfolio includes 42 sponsored projects, with funding from the NOAA, U.S. Defense Department, the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental protection, and the National Science Foundation.

    For more information, contact: Matthew Engelhardt at