Training and Professional Development

  • 1/18 Health & Mental Health for Older LGBTQ+

    It Ain't for the Faint of Heart: LGBTQ+ Elders Share Our Stories 

    Thursday, January 18, 2:00-3:30pm ET


    In a youth obsessed culture, issues specific to the changing needs and experiences of elders are often overlooked. This is equally true in the LGBTQ+ community. This webinar begins with an overview of the current national climate, an exploration of the Minority Stress Model with a focus on proximal and distal stress specific to older LGBTQ+ folks, and a review of primary risk and protective factors. This introduction is followed by a presentation from a diverse panel of LGBTQ+ elders. The panel members share their stories and experiences with an emphasis on their changing health and mental health care needs. What do social workers, clinicians, physicians and other care providers need to know to provide the best quality of care? This webinar offers you a great opportunity to find out. Participants leave with resources and concrete ideas that they can implement both personally and professionally.

    Hosted by Innovations Institute's Center of Excellence on LGBTQ+ Behavorial Health Equity

    For more information, contact: Michelle L Boardman at