Appointments, Retirements, and Searches

  • Director of Community Standards Announcement

    Nathan Fuerst

    Vice President for Student Life & Enrollment


    December 6, 2023





    The Division of Student Life & Enrollment has named Kimberley Beardsley-Carr as the Director of Community Standards effective immediately.

    In the fall of 2022, Kim was appointed Interim Director of Community Standards. Significant progress has been made under Kim’s leadership including an observed new energy and strengthening of collaboration with key campus partners. Her ability to develop strong staff training programs as well as fluid and efficient conduct processes that educate our students is impressive. Kim has taken the student conduct program to another level through her innovative programs, strategic thinking and relationship building. As a critical campus partner, she works closely with fellow directors and department leaders in her role to design and implement enhanced support for our students.

    Kim joined the Residential Life department at UConn in 2012 as an Assistant Director of Residence Education. During this time, she supervised Residence Hall Directors and focused a great deal of time with Residence Hall Association and National Residence Hall Honorary. In 2016, she was offered the opportunity to take conduct on full time in addition to her work as Assistant Director. During this time, she developed extensive training for all Residential Life staff and introduced restorative practices to the unit and was named the Associate Director of Student Welfare in July of 2020.

    Beardsley-Carr received her Bachelor of Science in Social Work and a Master of Arts in Community Counseling from Saint Joseph College in West Hartford. Prior to her work at UConn, she was the Assistant Director of Residence Life at Roger Williams University.

    Many thanks are given to the Community Standards staff who stepped up during this time of transition under Kim’s interim leadership and continued to produce high-quality services that Community Standards is known for. Please join me in congratulating Kim on this permanent appointment.

    For more information, contact: janice.canniff at