Training and Professional Development

  • 12/20 Wiped Out and Burned Out?

    Wiped out and burned out? This is the perfect time to write a teaching philosophy statement!
    Wednesday, December 20, 12:00 - 1:00
    Online - link will be sent to registered participants
    Presenter: Tina Huey, CETL – Faculty Development

    At the end of the semester many of us are focused on just dragging ourselves across the finish line and hunkering down for a well-deserved rest.  In this writing workshop you will collect the wisdom you have gained from this past semester's teaching before it becomes a distant memory. The goal is to reflect on specific things that happened, become aware of the lessons they might hold, and identify where you want to go next with this knowledge. Some of what you write may become part of a teaching philosophy statement, but the purpose of this workshop is simply to download your learning from fall 2023 before the break so you can return to it revitalized after the break. The practice of collecting your own reflections can also make your engagement with student evaluations of teaching more informative and less intimidating.

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    For more information, contact: Stacey Valliere at