Training and Professional Development

  • 11/28 Timely Topics: Military Leadership in Civilians

    One of the most powerful tools for an entrepreneur is being connected to the right resources when they are needed most. Timely Topics, a series hosted by the Connecticut Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, features panels of speakers, workshops to engage our entrepreneurs, and fireside chats with successful business leaders. These sessions are a way for CCEI to provide ongoing opportunities for students, faculty, and alumni entrepreneurs to learn, grow, and connect. 

    Military leadership principles are often talked about as a benchmark for managers and team-building in today’s modern civilian world. Although it can be somewhat confusing to understand what that means, having practical insight can be rewarding and give a small view into how it can add a few principles to your leadership toolbox.

    Will Farmer served 22 years in the United States Air Force (Senior Master Sergeant, Retired), and spent 18 of those years overseas in The United Kingdom, Germany, and Japan. He deployed as an Airborne Signals Intelligence Analyst and Data Links Operator supporting combat zones in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. As a cybersecurity leader, he’s provided security services to Fortune 500 companies and consulting firms across various industries as a small business owner and consultant. He is currently the Head of Threat Detection and Response, Global Security Services at Xerox, Corporation where he overseas the Incident Response and Threat Intelligence Team. Will has a Bachelor of Science (BS) in Strategic Leadership and a Master of Business Administration (MBA, UConn '21).

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    For more information, contact: Michaela Hartl at