Safety, Health, and Wellness

  • 11/15 In-Person Guided Meditation for Employees

    Wellness Through Meditation 

    Wednesday, November 15th, 2023

    Student Union, Rm. 221

    If you missed last week's in person guided meditation session, join us this Wednesday the 15th!

    This in-person guided meditation session is designed to offer instruction and practice in a simple and effective meditation technique in an interactive group setting. It is designed to provide a relaxing and restorative experience that will benefit participant’s nervous system health and overall wellness.

    In this session, you will learn the benefits of a regular meditation practice and be able to understand and apply a simple yet effective mediation technique.

    You will learn how to identify personal areas of concern and how they can be addressed and “worked with” through this meditation practice. Lastly, by attending, you'll be able utilize the opportunities for learning and connection inherent in a group setting. 

    Presenter: Andrew F.B. Campbell is a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) with private counseling and psychotherapy offices in Connecticut.

    For Employee Wellness Programming in November, visit: 





    For more information, contact: HR - Employee Engagement & Wellness at