Training and Professional Development

  • 11/10 To Share with Students: Applying to Grad School

    Please share these event details with students interested in pursuing graduate work or law school:

    Applying to Graduate School

    with Bradley Simpson (History, UConn)
    Victoria Ford Smith (English, UConn)
    and Lauren Terbush (School of Law, UConn)

    November 10, 2023, 2:00pm
    Live • Online • Registration required


    Thinking about graduate study in the humanities or social sciences? Come learn from faculty who make the decisions about admitting students into graduate programs in English, History, and the Law School about what they look for in applicants, and what mistakes you should avoid. There will be ample time for questions.

    Bradley Simpson is a professor and Director of Graduate Studies in History at the University of Connecticut.

    Victoria Ford Smith is associate professor and Director of Graduate Studies in English at the University of Connecticut.

    Lauren Terbush is Director of Admissions at the University of Connecticut School of Law.

    For more information, contact: Humanities Institute at