Research, Funding, and Awards

  • Are You an Athlete?

    Research Study at the Sports Optimization and Rehabilitation Lab


    PARTICIPANTS WANTED for a research study to determine if hamstring muscle stiffness is related to an athlete’s hamstring strain injury risk.


    WHO CAN TAKE PART? Athletes of any level/sport who train at least 5 hours per week and are 18-40 years old.


    WHAT DOES THE STUDY ENTAIL? Hamstring muscle stiffness will be measured using a cutting-edge ultrasound technique (shear wave elastography) then keep a training/injury diary for a year. 


    ARE THERE ANY INCENTIVES? All participants will receive a $5 Dunkin Donuts gift card


    For more information about the study please contact Davina Robinson at

    This research is conducted under the direction of Dr. Jacob Earp in the Department of Kinesiology.

    This study was approved by the UConn IRB, Protocol #H23-0446

    For more information, contact: Davina Robinson at