Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • 11/8 Diverse Blue Economies: Celine Germond-Duret

    Coastal Transitions III


    "Diverse Blue Economies - the Case of Post-Technicality"

    Dr. Celine Germond-Duret

    Wednesday, Nov. 8
    UConn Avery Point
    Academic Building Auditorium



    This communication reflects on ten years of blue economy academic research and practice. It discusses the need to acknowledge and promote ‘diversity’ within blue economy narratives and policies, and highlights underpinning processes that make it challenging. It focuses on the role played by the technicality that frames the development and sustainable development thinking, and that prioritises managerial and depoliticised approaches, hence ignoring cultural realities and questions of justice.

    Dr. Germond-Duret is a Lecturer in Environmental Politics and Policy at Lancaster University, with specific
    interests in marine policy and the blue economy, international climate politics, and indigenous peoples.

    The talk will be streamed online - visit for the link.

    If you will need access to the Auditorium without using stairs, please contact Nat at


    For more information, contact: Nat Trumbull/Geography at