Training and Professional Development

  • 11/13 HuskyCT/Bb Ultra Day

    University of Connecticut

    HuskyCT/Bb Ultra Day

    November 13, 2023

    Homer Babbidge Library – Heritage Room


    9:00-10:15am - Introduction to Learn Ultra (Session #1)

    This session will orient you to Blackboard Learn’s Ultra experience. From how to navigate the experience to building and designing course content, attendees will learn the ins and outs of how they can engage with the platform to set their courses and students up for success.

    Register for this session here:


    10:20-10:50am - Save Time and Energy with Ultra

    This session will show Some of the areas of Ultra that save faculty time (Flex Grading, Updated Batch Tool, upcoming template capabilities, AI capabilities)

    Register for this session here:


    11:00-12:15pm - Introduction to Learn Ultra (Session #2)

    This session will orient you to Blackboard Learn’s Ultra experience. From how to navigate the experience to building and designing course content, attendees will learn the ins and outs of how they can engage with the platform to set their courses and students up for success.

    Attendees who register for this session are welcome to stay afterwards for a half-hour lunch break.

    Register for this session here:


    12:15-12:45pm - Lunch Break


    12:45-1:20pm - Q&A/Office Hours

    This session is for any attendees that want to dive into specific questions functionality or want to learn more about the Ultra experience, as well as hear from some of your faculty colleagues who are already using Bb Ultra.

    Register for this session here:


    1:30pm-2:15pm - Best Practices of Course Design

    Building out courses in Ultra is easier and more intuitive, especially when using best practices.

    Register for this session here:



    2:20-2:50pm - Teaching and Learning Roadmap for Blackboard Learn Ultra

    This session is packed full of helpful information and important context about how development for Blackboard Learn Ultra has been ratcheted up, with triple the development resources focused on Learn Ultra, to allow for a robust set of updates over the last year and a roadmap with more exciting things to come.

    Register for this session here:


    3:00-3:30pm - Q&A/Office Hours

    This session is for any attendees that want to dive into specific questions functionality or want to learn more about the Ultra experience, as well as hear from some of your faculty colleagues who are already using Bb Ultra.

    Register for this session here:


    For more information, contact: Educational Technologies at