Training and Professional Development

  • 11/8 Career Success & Humanities Students Workshop

    Faculty are invited to participate in this workshop facilitated by Na-Rae Kim, Assistant Professor in Residence in the Asian and Asian American Studies Institute, and Faculty Fellow at UConn's Center for Career Development.

    This workshop will include discussion about why incorporating career into the curriculum is essential, especially within the Humanities and Arts, and examples of how career content can be incorporated into a Humanities or Arts curriculum.

    Why attend this workshop?

    • UConn alumni share that they sought career advice from faculty more than anyone else on campus.
    • When faculty talk about career in the classroom, it helps promote equity and access in the career space for all students.
    • According to Strada-Gallup, the majority of students pursue higher education to seek better career opportunities.

    Dwight Codr, Associate Professor in English, will also share his experience collaborating with the Career Center and incorporating career into his courses.

    Wednesday, November 8th, 2:30-3:30pm

    Homer Babbidge Library, Room 1102

    In-person and remote attendees are welcome.


    For more information, contact: Nancy Bilmes at