Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • 11/3 Earth Sciences Seminar Series: Dr. Kim Cobb

    Department of Earth Sciences

    Fall 2023 Seminar Series


    Dr. Kim Cobb - Brown University

    Friday, November 3rd


    McHugh 306



    Science and Solutions for a Warming World


    Global warming represents an existential threat to the health and well-being of communities around the world, but especially to indigenous populations and low income communities of color. Indeed, the Sixth Assessment Report of the IPCC Working Group 2 reports that mortality rates from 2010-2020 were 15 times higher in vulnerable regions than in less vulnerable regions. In this talk, Dr. Cobb shares strategies for mobilizing research in support of equitable climate resilience that harness the knowledge and findings of the IPCC while working to close the knowledge gaps required to design and deploy equitable, durable, scaleable, and replicable climate solutions. She shares two examples from her own research, focused on coastal flooding and urban heat islands, in illustrating the power of community-engaged, transdisciplinary scholarship.



    For more information, contact: Christin Donnelly at