Student Activities

  • Now Is the Time: Leave a Legacy. Nominate Someone.

    The Student Leadership Legacy Experience Program nomination has been extended.

    Disclosure: Due to unexpected IT issues, the nomination period has been extended until October 31st. If you submitted a nomination before 10/3/2023, please resubmit your form. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause – if you’d like to verify with our office if your application has or has not been received, please email us at 

    Application Deadline Extended by October 31st! 

    JOIN and APPLY! 

    Ready for a transformative journey of leadership and growth? Nominate someone, or yourself, to join the University of Connecticut's Student Leadership Legacy Experience Program! 

    Established in January 2007, this prestigious program invites exceptional student leaders to a yearlong immersive leadership enhancement journey, preparing you for a purposeful life beyond graduation. 

    Program Highlights: 

    • Deepen your understanding of your abilities and responsibilities as leaders beyond graduation. 
    • Form lifelong connections with peers. 
    • Network with supportive University alumni. 
    • Solidify your legacy as a UConn student leader. 
    • Develop selfless, civic-minded, and socially responsible leadership. 

    Eligibility and Benefits: 

    • Seeking students with consistent contributions to campus and the community. 
    • Enjoy institutional recognition, personalized training, alumni and faculty networking, and support. 

    Key Program Components: 

    • Biweekly meetings for personal, professional and leadership development. 
    • Engage with outstanding leaders through a lecture series. 
    • Annual Banquet and Leadership Summit 
    • Explore experiential leadership opportunities. 
    • Build meaningful relationships with alumni and faculty/administrators. 
    • Apply/Re-Apply or nominate someone today to make a lasting impact on the University of Connecticut and beyond. Don't miss the extended deadline—submit your application by October 31st. 

    What Students in the current Cohort saying about the Legacy 2023 Program sharing various perspectives:

     Legacy has taught me the breadth of leadership. I used to connect it only to clubs and work, but now I see it within my interpersonal relationships. It's also taught me how to value myself and my time amongst a busy and demanding schedule. 

    • I signed up for Legacy thinking it would add to my resume, but it's stretched and has grown me as an individual. Legacy is an experience that caters to students as individual people constantly reminding me that I am not what I can do for others. I have cried, laughed, and made friends that are not only some of the best leaders I have ever encountered, but also kindhearted people who remind me that everyone has their own journey. 
    • Being part of Legacy means being part of a diverse group of leaders. It's opened my eyes to the many ways students can impact communities and it has helped me discover my purpose and passion as a leader. 
    • Legacy has shown me I'm not alone. It's invaluable to spend time with others who understand the pressures of doing it all. We're all working on growing our leadership skills and learning to be easier on ourselves. 
    • Legacy is an opportunity to unwind and connect with student leaders who similar values and commitment to serving the UConn community. 
    • Legacy has both challenged and enhanced my leadership abilities, and skills.

    Nominate someone today, connect with our office for any questions you may have!

    Thank you, in advance for your nomination, and/or promotion of Leadership Legacy!

    For more information, contact: Trisha Ann Hawthorne-Noble at