Training and Professional Development

  • 10/20 Stochastic Parrots or Super-Tutors?

    Stochastic Parrots or Super-Tutors? ChatGPT in the College Classroom

    Friday, October 20th at 12:30 ET 

    We invite you to join the CIRTL Network this Friday, October 20th for a discussion Stochastic Parrots or Super-Tutors? ChatGPT in the College Classroom. In this hands-on session, guest facilitator Magdalena Mączyńska, Associate Director of the Teaching and Learning Center at Drexel University, will guide participants in reviewing the current debate on ChatGPT in higher education and considering examples of successful ChatGPT course policies and assignments across academic disciplines. Participants will have the opportunity to brainstorm ideas for incorporating the bot into their own courses—and for helping students understand how generative AI tools can both superpower and derail their educational efforts. 

    Join via Zoom Link (Meeting ID: 944 6656 7563)


    For more information, contact: Rachel Prunier at