Additional UConn Information

  • Probation Review Committee Student Nominations

    The Office of Community Standards is seeking faculty and staff input for student nominees to join the Probation Review Committee. 

    If a student is found in violation of The Student Code, Community Standards may issue disciplinary action, such as University Probation. University Probation is a yearlong period where a student is expected to make changes to past patterns of behavior and to demonstrate how they have contributed positively to the UConn community. After six months, a student is eligible to have their probation status lifted early by meeting with the Probation Review Committee. The Probation Review Committee is comprised of student volunteers who review student requests for lifting a University Probation status prior to the status’s completion date. The committee examines what changes a student has made to their behavior and how they have positively contributed to the UConn community.  

    The Office of Community Standards values the student voice in the student conduct process and is looking for engaged student volunteers who are willing to participate in this leadership opportunity! If you know of any students who you feel would make a great addition to the committee, please complete the Probation Review Committee Nomination Form, no later than October 31, 2023.  After a nomination is submitted, Community Standards will contact the student nominee and offer the opportunity to meet to discuss the Probation Review Committee further. 

    Additionally, if you would like to share this opportunity directly with a student, please feel free to share the Probation Review Committee Interest Form. The interest form will close on November 2, 2023.

    For more information, contact: Community Standards at