Human Resources and Benefits

  • Special Payroll Deadlines and Other Updates

    We write with updates regarding Special Payroll processing deadlines, compensation, and Winter 2023/Summer 2024 Intersession Faculty Compensation.

    Special Payroll Processing Deadlines and Reminders
    Due to the high volume of Special Payroll hire requests preceding academic semesters and intersessions, HR and Payroll provide processing deadline dates for PageUp and SmartHR. Special Payroll hire requests must be approved by HR in PageUp before departments may submit a SmartHR transaction, and it may take up to 4-6 weeks for a Special Payroll hire request to receive all required approvals. HR and Payroll will make every effort to process promptly; however, late submissions risk a delayed first paycheck for the employee. In addition, late submissions pose risk to the University if any employee begins working without a completed I-9 on file. Lastly, in compliance with state regulations, eligible employees (i.e., new Adjunct Faculty) must make an irrevocable retirement election by the end of their first day of employment.

    The 2023-2024 processing deadlines are available in the Special Payroll 2023/2024 Dates and Deadlines section of the Special Payroll Information webpage.

    Please note that the PageUp submission deadlines for faculty teaching during Winter intersession and summer research are only applicable to 11-month faculty, as those requests must be processed through PageUp. 9-month and 10-month faculty teaching during Winter intersession are submitted directly to SmartHR and do not require submission in PageUp. Additionally, 9-month and 10-month faculty performing summer research as summer salary during their applicable period (5/22 – 8/22, or 6/22 – 8/22, respectively) are submitted directly to SmartHR and do not require submission in PageUp. Faculty performing Winter intersession teaching are overload eligible appointments only. For additional information, please see the Policy on Faculty Compensation.

    Effective August 23, 2023, per the GEU-UAW Contract Article 34, Section 5, the Graduate Student per credit minimum rate is $1,873 for Graduate Students in extra-compensatory instructional appointments on Special Payroll. 

    Effective January 1, 2024, per Public Act 19-4, the State of Connecticut minimum wage will be increased to $15.69/hour.

    As a reminder, the Special Payroll team will increase compensation as required by bargaining unit contracts and State of Connecticut minimum wage. Please be sure to review the hire request and offer letter after HR approval, prior to extending the offer letter, for any revisions made to the hire request.

    Compensation information is available in the Compensation section of the Special Payroll Information webpage.

    Winter 2023/Summer 2024 Intersession Faculty Compensation
    Effective August 23, 2023, per the AAUP Contract Article 38.1, compensation for faculty teaching Winter and Summer intersession courses has been updated.

    Minimum and maximum compensation for such appointments are available in the Winter 2023/Summer 2024 Intersession Faculty Compensation section of the Special Payroll Information webpage.

    We appreciate your attention to these details. Please reach out to the Special Payroll team ( with questions.

    Thank you,
    Special Payroll Team

    For more information, contact: Human Resources at