REDCap 1 system will be retired effective December 31, 2023. This system will no longer be supported by Microsoft and will no longer receive updates, security/bug fixes, or technical support. Given the several critical security vulnerabilities that were previously discovered in that REDCap system, this lack of support will pose a significant risk. Therefore, the REDCap 1 system (Development and Production) will not be accessible after December 31, 2023.
If your project needs to continue beyond this date, it must be re-created on the REDCap 2 system.. For guidance on how best to proceed, please see our Project Migration Guide. Some projects and/or features may have to manually recofigured.
We recommend all users begin this process as soon as possible. This will be a big endeavor and unforeseen issues may arise. Thorough testing of projects will be essential.
We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your understanding. We are happy to answer any questions and will work with users throughout this transition.
REDCap 1 (formally known as v7, v8, v10) – these projects must be re-created on REDCap
REDCap 2 (formally known as v13)
For more information, contact: REDCap at