Appointments, Retirements, and Searches

  • 10/18 Host a HESA-Affiliated Graduate Assistantship

    The UConn Higher Education in Student Affairs (HESA) Master’s Program is currently seeking departments and offices that are interested in hiring one or more HESA-Affiliated Graduate Assistants for 2024-2026.

    Join us for an information session to learn more about hosting a HESA-Affiliated GA:


    Prospective HESA-Affiliated GA Site Info Session

    Wednesday, October 18th

    11:00am ET

    WebEx (please use this link)


    Graduate assistantship sites gain significant benefits from employing a HESA student during their two years of graduate study. HESA students bring rich and varied experiences in higher education and related fields. HESA students focus on applying what they are learning from our curriculum to their assistantships. Hosting a HESA-Affiliated graduate assistantship is an investment in emerging higher education and student affairs practitioners and adding a valuable colleague to your organization. HESA-affiliated GA supervisors are UConn employees, and their unit/office provides a financial and supervisory commitment to hosting a HESA student in a graduate assistantship for the duration of the student’s two-year degree program.


    Check out the top reasons to hire a HESA-Affiliated Graduate Assistant


    If you have any questions, please contact Dr. H. Kenny Nienhusser, Associate Professor, Higher Education and Student Affairs at 



    For more information, contact: Dr. H. Kenny Nienhusser at