Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • 9/25 How to Make It In the Entertainment Business

    Neil Mandt, producer, author, entrepreneur and 5-time Emmy Winner, will be coming to speak to undergraduate and graduate students at the UConn School of Business.

    Breaking into Hollywood is incredibly difficult

    It’s as hard as you think! Succeeding is an entirely different matter. You’ve heard the phrase, “it’s all about who you know.” You need an insider to help you kick down doors!
    There is no one path to breaking into the Entertainment Business and there isn’t a single school in the world that can properly prepare you for the twists, turns and challenges along the way. I have more than 30 years of connections and success, and I want to help.

    Neil Mandt is uniquely skilled at simplifying the many complex aspects of how media and the Internet are colliding in unimaginable ways. Through his dynamic and engaging presentations, Neil shares the insights and wisdom he has gained from 30+ years of entrepreneurship.


    For more information, contact: Pamela Costa at