Training and Professional Development

  • 9/27 SOGI Office Hour: Tips from the Learning Community

    Final SOGI Data Collection Office Hour, Wednesday, September 27, 1:30-2:30 p.m. ET

    Office hours are an opportunity for participants to ask questions and get technical assistance from experts in the field. During this final SOGI data collection office hour, facilitators will spend 15 minutes sharing their favorite tips and tools from each session in the series. Participants are encouraged to come with remaining questions that they have about data collection and serving LGBTQ+ people. Facilitators will address select questions that have been submitted through surveys during the course of this learning community.

    About the Series:

    The Learning Community on Safe and Effective LGBTQ+ Data Collection, sponsored by Innovations Institute's National SOGIE Center, provides learners the opportunity to hear from experts in the field on serving LGBTQ+ populations and collecting sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) data in safe and effective ways.

    Learners have the opportunity to engage in monthly presentations, quarterly office hours, and will get early release access to helpful tools such as a self-assessment, tip sheets, and supervisor’s guides. The full recorded series can be found by registering to access.

    For more information, contact: Michelle Boardman at