Training and Professional Development

  • 9/21 TGS's Timely Topics: Graduate Admissions

    The Graduate School’s

    Fall 2023

    Timely Topics Series


    Timely Topics is a series of opportunities to engage with subject matter experts on topics relevant to those who support and advise graduate students and programs. Every session is available to all UConn faculty and staff. We hope you’ll join us for the upcoming session:

    Graduate Admissions: Program Application Processing in Slate and Admissions Cycle Kick Off!

    Welcome back! Join us for a deep dive into application requirements as part of the graduate admissions process. This session will go over updates, the process The Graduate School uses before programs see their applications (Initial Grad Audit bin), and what programs should be looking for in their program review process (Program Audit bin). This will include the difference in accessing graduate admissions requirements versus program requirements, how to upload recommendations, and checking materials on the checklist.  Please bring your questions, as we will be holding time at the end for Q&A.

    Date:                     Thursday, September 21, 2023

    Time:                     11am-12pm

    Register Here

    You can learn more and see all the sessions scheduled for Fall 2023 at our webpage:

    For more information, contact: Megan Petsa at