Training and Professional Development

  • 9/28 Online Workshop: Zotero for Advanced Users

    Zotero for Advanced Users: Organizing & Managing References & Zotero Customization

    Zotero is so much more than a place to store your references! This advanced workshop covers:

    • Organizing your library with collections or tags

    • Searching your library

    • Dealing with duplicate references

    • Choosing plug-ins to enhance your Zotero experience

    The session is fully online and includes both demonstration and time for questions. Attendees should already have basic Zotero skills, including importing, viewing, and editing references. If you're new to Zotero, please register for a Zotero for New Users workshop first!


    Dates & Times:

    Thursday, 9/28, 3pm

    Register today at

    For more information, contact: Hilary Kraus at