Training and Professional Development

  • 9/14 Workshop: Common Curriculum Spreadsheets

    If you’re working on your department or unit’s spreadsheet for course migration, please join us today for this workshop! We’ll cover:

    • Determining whether to migrate or revise your courses
    • Preparing student learning objectives for each TOI
    • Preparing an alignment chart to ensure student learning objectives align with assignments

    Preparing Course Migration Spreadsheets and Syllabi (Thurs, 9.14 from 3-4PM, online)
    Join from the meeting link 
    Join by meeting number
    Meeting number (access code): 2621 803 1393
    Meeting password: E6f6sN2WJ7M
    Join by phone
    +1-415-655-0002 US Toll

    For more information, contact: Karen McDermott at