Appointments, Retirements, and Searches

  • Faculty Needed for Common Curriculum Review

    The Common Curriculum Committee seeks full-time faculty of any rank and department to assist with the transition from the outgoing General Education system to the new Common Curriculum. We welcome representation from across the university in any area.

    Subcommittee members (non-chair) needed for the following TOIs/Areas:

    • TOI-1: Creativity: Design, Expression, Innovation
    • TOI-2: Cultural Dimensions of Human Experiences
    • TOI-3: Diversity, Equity, and Social Justice
    • TOI-5: Individual Values and Social Institutions
    • TOI-6: Scientific and Empirical Inquiry
    • Writing (W) Competency

    Subcommittee Member Responsibilities: Under the direction of subcommittee co-chairs, members are given about one week to review course proposals and syllabi for new and revised courses being proposed for the new TOIs or for W. Members generally work asynchronously and attend few if any meetings (may vary by subcommittee).

    For more information or to volunteer, please email Karen McDermott (

    For more information, contact: Karen McDermott at