Special Events and Receptions

  • Employee Ice Cream Sundae Contest

    Second Annual Employee Ice Cream Sundae Contest

    In the spirit of the “senior scoop,” the Employee Ice Cream Sundae Contest allows employees to show off their creative side. Build a name-themed sundae below in alignment with “Well-Being, Well-Connected Across UConn”, the 2023 Employee Appreciation Week theme.

    Creative and tasty sundaes will be voted on by the Wellness & Appreciation Panel, and the winning sundae will be the featured sundae for the week of Employee Appreciation Week (9/18/23 – 9/23/23).

    To participate, submit your sundae creation at the following link: https://hr.uconn.edu/employee-ice-cream-sundae-contest/ 

    Submissions received by 5pm on September 20th, will be entered for consideration.




    For more information, contact: HR - Employee Engagement & Wellness at worklife@uconn.edu