Facilities and Transportation

  • South Campus Infrastructure Construction Update

    As the summer construction period wraps up the South Campus Infrastructure (SCI) Project has met several key milestones that allows the following to happen starting on August 22, 2023.

    • Mansfield Road will REOPEN.
    • Whitney Road Extension will return to pre-construction condition (one way traffic)

    Construction will continue into the fall semester and the overall project will be completed in the Fall of 2025. Portions of the work will be reopened as soon as the work is completed. Construction impacts over the fall semester are as follows.

    • Gilbert Road CLOSED from Mansfield Road to Whitney Road Extension
    • Maple Lane and Coventry Road will be CLOSED from Mansfield Road to Lot R starting on August 28, 2023. This closure will remain in place for most of the fall semester.
    • Lot R will continue to have parking impacts through most of the fall semester. Access to lot will be via a temporary driveway.
    • Lot S will continue to have parking impacts through the duration of the project. Parking impacts will start on August 28, 2023. Approximately half of the lot will be offline during this constriction period.
    • Accessible pedestrian detours will be in place. All pedestrians should follow dedicated walkway and signage.
    For more information, contact: Ian Dann at ian.dann@uconn.edu