Finance and Administration

  • Billing Other State of Connecticut Agencies

    When billing another State of CT agency, departments are required to create an invoice in KFS.  Accounts Receivable then creates a State Transfer Invoice in Core-CT for the other agency to pay.

    Departments must include a billing period and Ad Hoc Accounts Receivable on the KFS invoice.

    The billing period is the date range or period in which the goods or services were provided to the other agency.  Please include this in the Notes and Attachments section.

    To Ad Hoc Accounts Receivable, navigate to “Ad Hoc Recipients” on the invoice and enter the following:

    • In the “Namespace Code” field enter “KFS-AR
    • In the “Name” field enter “CORE-CT Receivables
    • In the “Action Requested” click “FYI” from the drop-down menu
    • Click the “ADD” button

    If an invoice does not have a billing period or does not Ad Hoc Accounts Receivable, there may be a delay in creating the State Transfer Invoice in Core-CT.

    For complete procedures on billing other State of CT agencies, please see page 39 of the KFS Cash and AR Procedure guide.

    For more information, contact: Accounts Receivable at