Facilities and Transportation

  • 8/4 Gilbert Road Blasting

    As the construction continues at South Campus, There is a need to blast rock in Gilbert Rd for the infrastructure project to install a new underground drainage system. Friday 8/4/23 they will be conducting a test blast between 12 pm - 12:30 pm.. There will be multiple blasts per day. 12pm -12:30pm  and 2:15pm to 2:30 pm . Blasting dates are : 8/4/23,  8/9/23, 8/10/23,  8/11/23,  8/16/23,  8/17/23 and 8/18/23. There will be signs posted on the walkway of Mirror Lake  and flaggers for safety. The flaggers will stop all foot traffic at Mirror Lake before the blast and will allow passage once the saftey horn is blown. 

    If you have any questions please contact Ian Dann @ 860-634-4280 or Kord Baker @ 959-995-1846.

    For more information, contact: Kord Baker at kord.baker@uconn.edu