Training and Professional Development

  • 8/10 Class Activities Demo Series

    Class Activities Demo Series (With Opportunity to Practice!) (Virtual) 
    Presenter: Xiaochen Liu 

    In this demo series, you will discover and practice effective teaching strategies to improve students' active learning. You will enjoy different teaching strategies in a creative way with other participants. Each section will take 20 minutes, you can choose the one you are interested in and attend the section. 
    Section 1: Activities for Medium Size Groups: Circle of Voices, Round Robin, Elevator Pitches 
    During this section, you will practice Timed Round Robin: Every participant is given the same amount of time (e.g., 30 seconds) and takes turns to share responses on an open-ended question. Other similar activities for medium size groups are introduced by the lecturer. 
    Section 2: Think-Pair-Share 
    During this section, for a question, participants will have a few minutes to think it over (e.g., 2 minutes) and then turn to a peer for discussion. After a brief discussion (e.g., 5 minutes), you will be asked to share your peer's opinion in front of the class. 
    Section 3: Jigsaw 
    During this section, everyone will be assigned into an "expert group" to discuss a piece of an assignment. After reaching consensus (5 minutes), participants will be rearranged to "jigsaw group" so there's one person from each "expert group" at each "jigsaw group" to explain his or her group's discussion and conclusion (5 minutes) to form a finished project. 
    Section 4: Roles in the Small Group 
    During this section, everyone will be assigned into a group of 3 or 4 with roles - facilitator, notetaker, presenter, or moderator - to discuss a topic (3-5 minutes). After the group presentations, the instructor will debrief with the group performance. 

    For more information, contact: Stacey Valliere at