Training and Professional Development

  • 6/26 Mplus Workshop with Bengt Muthen

    New Features in Mplus Version 8.9 and Forthcoming 8.10 

    Monday, June 26  8:30-5:00 - McHugh Hall

    Presenters: Bengt Muthén, Tihomir Asparouhov, & Ellen Hamaker

    Cost: $75

    This is your chance to catch up on the latest series of Mplus analysis acronyms: AESEM, ASEM, BSEM, DSEM, ESEM, PSEM, PSEM-ELGM, RDSEM, and RSEM. These techniques offer better ways to do factor analysis, growth modeling, and SEM as well as more practical ways to study measurement invariance and structural differences across groups and time. These techniques also present new ways to analyze intensive longitudinal data (ILD) using multilevel time series analysis with DSEM and Cross-Classified modeling. Novel real-data applications of these techniques will be discussed together with Mplus scripts.

    The workshop starts at 8:30 and ends at 5. There will be 4 blocks, each consisting of 1 ½ hours lecturing followed by 15 minutes of Q & A’s. There will be no hands-on computing sessions. Some familiarity with Mplus is required.

    To register, go to 

    For more information, contact: Betsy at