Training and Professional Development

  • CiRTL

    CIRTL (Center for Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning has a series of FREE (and awesome) summer professional development workshops for graduate students, post-docs, and early career faculty. 

    Follow the links below to learn more and register if you are interested. 

    Please contact Rachel Prunier if you have any questions about CIRTL or want to get more involved! 

    An Introduction to Evidence-Based Undergraduate STEM Teaching

    An Introduction to Evidence-Based Undergraduate STEM Teaching is a massive open, online course (MOOC) designed to provide graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, and other aspiring faculty in STEM disciplines with an overview of effective college teaching strategies and the research that supports them. This fully asynchronous course runs on the EdX platform from June 19 through August 13. No cap. Register

    Using Teaching-as-Research to Advance Equitable Educational Experiences: The LTD-TAR Connection

    Join us for a two-part workshop that invites participants to consider how they might use CIRTL’s “teaching-as-research” framework to advance equitable educational experiences. Sessions take place in Zoom on Wednesday, June 21 and June 28 at 1-2:30PM AT / 12-1:30PM ET / 11AM-12:30PM CT / 10-11:30AM MT / 9-10:30AM PT. No cap. Register

    Preparing Your Teaching Demo for a Job Interview

    In this interactive workshop, we’ll discuss ways to go into a teaching demo for a job interview with preparedness, confidence, and adaptability. This one-session online workshop meets in Zoom on Thursday, July 13 at 2:30-3:45 PM AT / 1:30-2:45PM ET / 12:30-1:45PM CT / 11:30AM-12:45PM MT / 10:30-11:45AM PT. Cap: 150. Register.


    For more information, contact: Rachel Prunier at