Safety, Health, and Wellness

  • 6/8 Raising Resilient Children Webinar

    In honor of National Family Month, join Deer Oaks EAP & Human Resources for the Raising Resilient Children Webinar.

    Thursday, June 8th, 2023, 12pm - 1:00pm

    Resilience is a vital life skill in the current tumultuous and ever-changing world. It is the best gift a parent can give their children. What does that mean for participants as parents and in terms of how they live their lives every day? What does resilience mean and how does it get built? Is resilience something a person is born with or is it something one can learn? This important session will give insights on what to do differently to raise children who are more resilient.

    To register for the Raising Resilient Children Webinar, or any other of the June well-being programs provided by Human Resources, visit the following link: 

    For more information, contact: HR - Employee Engagement & Wellness at