Research, Funding, and Awards

  • Seeking Human Subject

    We are recruiting 18–49-year-old women who identify as Black, multiracial (including Black) or Hispanic/Latina for a research study to learn about factors that influence sleep among Black and Hispanic women.  Participation involves completing surveys, wearing a sleep monitoring wristwatch for 2 weeks, one interview on Zoom and an optional one-night sleep study at home (wearing a small sleep monitoring device on your forehead while you sleep). The surveys will consist of questions about your physical and mental health, sleep, factors that influence your sleep, and demographics.

    Participants will receive up to $150 for completing the study. This study will be completed online and at home. This study was approved by the IRB, Protocol H22-0126.


    o   Identify as a Black/Hispanic woman

    o   Not currently pregnant

    o   18-49 years of age

    o   Fluent in English

    For more information, contact: Meghan O'Connell or Luciana Lema at