Safety, Health, and Wellness

  • May Employee Wellness Programming

    May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and Human Resources has focused our well-being programs this month surrounding this important topic that affects millions of Americans daily. This month sheds light on the fight against the mental health stigma and Human Resources joins this fight as we will share resources and programs throughout the month of May.

    We all have mental health, and we all have unique environments. Making our environments as healthy as possible goes a long way in improving our mental well-being. We all benefit from stable environments, strong communities, and ready access to needed services.

    Take time to utilize Human Resource’s mental health month awareness and resources webpage and find ways to adapt your surroundings to improve overall health and well-being, as well as ways to cope when change seems out of reach.

    To continue working on yourself and your mental health, take the Self Care Toolkit training, enjoy a gentle yoga flow with Carson & Tildy at Faculty & Staff DOGA  or learn how to Maintain a More Positive Mindset with an informative webinar.


    To register for any of Human Resources’ Monthly Well-Being programs , visit the Human Resources Work/Life - Health & Wellness webpage 


    Physical Fitness, Wellness, and Work Life Classes and Webinars Available on the Human Resources Website:

    Past recorded physical fitness classes, wellness webinars, and work life webinars are available on the Human Resources website:

    For more information, contact: HR Employee Engagement & Wellness at